PoorRug Community Update #2

2 min readNov 10, 2020

Hi there PoorRug fam! It has been busy couple of weeks at the PoorRug HQ, and while we have been a bit quiet on the marketing side of things, we have been busy at work developing exciting new features for the PoorRug ecosystem. In this community update, we will run through the things we have worked on what our next steps will be.

PoorRug Farming

The PoorRug liquidity mining has been a success, with over 3.3K USD of liquidity added to Uniswap. This number is expected to increase in the near future, and is a great starting point for a project that is barely two weeks old.

Ruggies Staking

As announced in our last post, we are about to kickstart the staking of $Ruggies and will be used exclusively for the minting of NFTs. There are currently two way to mint:

  • Staking Poor tokens
  • Staking Poor/ETH LP tokens

People that stake Poor/ETH LP tokens will be able to mint $Ruggies faster, as an extra incentive for providing liquidity. The maximum supply of $Ruggies has not yet been decided, as we expect the $Ruggies to be burnt every time an NFT is minted. Ruggies staking will start this Sunday 15/11 8 pm UTC time.

New designers and NFTs

We have recently onboarded two experienced designers. One of them is a visual effects artist and the other is a graphic designer. They will be providing artwork for the NFTs and the game that we will be creating for the NFTs.

We have also recently commissioned three NFTs to be created as part of our genesis NFT launch. We are taking extra time to design these genesis NFTs, as we expect them to be highly valuable and sought after as the project grows. These NFTs can be used to provide a boost to mint more $Ruggies, and will also be used for the card game that we are developing.

Card Game

We are also launching a card game, where users can stake / wager $Poor and compete for different prizes. The NFTs will be used to play in this card game. We are currently developing the card game on SKALE Network / Mainnet and comparing which provides the better user experience in terms of gas fees and interactivity, and will be inviting community members later on to beta test.

Well that is it for this community update! Get your $Poors ready for them NFTs!

Twitter: twitter.com/PoorRugOfficial

Website: PoorRug.com

Telegram: t.me/PoorRug

Token Address: etherscan.io

Uniswap: info.uniswap.org




The first swappable deflationary RugPull memecoin with NFTs and Vaults. Learn more at www.PoorRug.com